Art Rotterdam 2022- Ten Bold and Beautiful Artworks to Look Out For
It is a FACT that time goes by more quickly when you get older – this is true because I read about it somewhere once even though I forgot where that was but can’t be bothered right now to look it up. The theory is that basically a year is a…

It is a FACT that time goes by more quickly when you get older – this is true because I read about it somewhere once even though I forgot where that was but can’t be bothered right now to look it up. The theory is that basically a year is a fifth of your life if you’re a five-year old but only one fiftieth of your life if your fifty years old. Get it? I know I do, because it feels like yesterday that I went to Art Rotterdam 2021 and wrote a blogpost about the ten artworks I was looking forward to back then. I also remember taking tons of photos once I was there but somehow I never got around to publishing them. Sowwy! I was busy raising a puppy and starting a new job at Catawiki so I guess I just couldn’t no mo. I’ll try and make it up to you this year, okay? For now, let me show you all the exciting new artworks I found this weekend in the official online Art Rotterdam 2022 catalogue. Disclaimer: I’ve interviewed tons of artists and I know that they all think long and hard about what their work is about. As for little old me, I prefer to look at art more from a decorative point of view. Call me shallow, but what I want first and foremost from work of art is to look good in an interior – preferably mine. So there!
Art Rotterdam 2022- Ten artworks to look out for
1 – Katinka Lampe – 1216227, 2022
Back in the day when I was still married, I once borrowed a Katinka Lampe painting of a beautiful Muslim girl from Kunstuitleen Rotterdam. It was part of our interior for quite some time and I totally loved it. This new work, called 1216227, looks equally stunning. And you know what? It would look even better combined with, say, one of those Haute Epoque cabinets that come by in this exciting Catawiki auction (did I mention I work for Catawiki? Best employer EVAH!).

2 – Johannes Ulrich Kubiak – Broadcaster, 2022
Okay, so I like bright colours. What about it? This work by Johannes Ulrich Kubiak, called Broadcaster, features every colour in the rainbow and I for one would love to see what it looks like in real life. And, frankly, that’s all there is to it.

3 – Nour Fog – Lover, 2022
So, Nour Fog is a Danish artist who makes some really cool ceramic pieces that you really should check out on her website. This particular one undoubtedly has a deeper meaning to it, but I just think of it as a bust of a gold Pikmin – and who can blame me? The resemblance is almost uncanny, don’t you think?

4 – Jonas Lund, Untitled (57_03_38), 2021
Wait, another huge work of art featuring lots of bright colors? Well, yes, but this one by Jonas Lund doesn’t have stripes so it’s totally different. I also understand from the online catalogue that Galleria Bianconi will have more of Lund’s work on display so I guess this is one of the first booths I’m going to check out during the Art Rotterdam press preview. W00T!

5 – Mathieu Cherkit –Purple Dance, 2021

6 – Sheila Hicks – Beacon, 2021
Oh, Sheila! Oh, oh, oh, oh, Sheila! Legendary textile artist Sheila Hicks had an exhibition a few years ago at the Textielmuseum in Tilburg. I wanted to go, I really did. But I missed it because I was too busy doing God knows what. Luckily, I can now sort of make up by taking a look at this work at Art Rotterdam, called Beacon.

7 -Julia Schewalie – Disk White, 2021
It’s a rectangular object made out of squares but somehow artist Julia Schewalie though the best name for this piece would be Disk White – beats me! Anyway, don’t you already just know that it’s going to be all over Instagram in the next few days? People (and that includes me) love to take selfies looking at themselves in a mirrored object like this one. And who can blame them? It’s pretty!

8 – Kaspar Bonnén – Untitled, 2022
If this is what you see when you make a painting of the kitchen, you need to lay off the shrooms because honey, you’ve been taking things too far. All kidding aside, I think this painting by Kaspar Bonnén looks absolutely beautiful. And at 180cm tall, it would also be an ideal maximalist candidate for my living room. Now, does anyone have €12,000 lying around for me so that I can buy it the moment I see it at Art Rotterdam?

9 – Erik Mattijsen – Burg, 2022A medieval castle in a little pink suitcase. I don’t know what the hell it’s supposed to mean, but that’s sooo beside the point. I am actually considering buying this painting by Erik Mattijsen. I’ve got the perfect spot for it here at home and at €1,600 it’s in my budget. What more could you want?tekst

10 – Joëlle Dubois – The Crumbling of Time, 2022This painting by Joëlle Dubois could be me after a long day working for Catawiki – except I’d be eating a bag of potato chips instead of an apple. Oh, and I don’t smoke. And I don’t wear a negligé but a white bathrobe. But again, other than that, this could be me because there’s nothing I like better than reading a book on my sofa. And that is exactly what I’m going to do right now.